Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The end of the world is near!

I was doing some research for my biology report when this site caught my eye.

It was about DOOMSDAY.

Apparently, our earth is gonna meet its end on 21st December 2012 due to a mysterious planet dubbed 'Planet X'.
And guess what? There is an institute, Institute of Human Continuity (IHC) is offering to save lives of a few lucky ones.

All you gotta do is to get a lottery ticket here.

So, I checked out more info on this 2012 thingy. Its not completely BS, there is some evidence on this thingy. Try googling it.

It has its own wikipedia page here.


I don't believe it, though. It was just something interesting to read about after all that biology.

For those of you who believe it, hurry and get your tickets.

I don't think you'll have much of a chance though. The last time I checked, about 6 million registered. Good luck anyways.
